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Vietnam quick facts
Country: Vietnam

Quick facts of Vietnam: Economy, economic indicators, population, daily living costs.

A. Vietnam’s Official Statistics

1/ Vietnam Economy

Vietnam has a market economy under the administration of the government following the orientation toward socialism.

2/ Vietnam Total GDP

Total GDP of Vietnam in 2023: 430 billion United States Dollars.

3/ Vietnam GDP Annual Growth Rate

In 2023: 5.05%.

4/ Vietnam GDP per Capita

In 2023: USD4,284 per person.

5/ Vietnam Population

Vietnam’s Population in 2023: 100.3 million;

6/ Life Expectancy in Vietnam

In 2023: 73.7 years old, of which

- male: 71.1 years old;

- female: 76.5 years old.

B. Daily Living Costs in Vietnam

1/ Breakfast:

USD1.5-1.7 per person.

2/ Lunch or dinner:

USD2-4 per person in street restaurants.

USD12-20 per person in fancy restaurants.

3/ Drinking water:

USD0.3-0.45 per small bottle.

USD0.5-0.6 per big bottle.

4/ Coke:

USD0.5-0.7 per can.

5/ Petrol

USD0.9-1.00 per litter of gasoline.

6/ Diesel

USD0.87-1.00 per litter of diesel.

7/ Taxi

USD0.45-0.6 per kilometer.


- General Statistics Office of Vietnam for the macro indicators;

- Paradissa’s team for the daily living costs.

Vietnam Travel Guide